
Posts Tagged ‘arthritis’


Arthritis affects millions and millions of people around the country, and many of them are older adults and seniors who have weakened muscle and bone structure that decreases their strength, flexibility, and balance.  As a result, studies have showed that seniors are involved in more falls and fall-related injuries than any other group.  Moreover, those living with arthritis are two and a half times more likely to have fall related injuries according to the CDC. Falls do not only cause bumps and bruises,seniors are also at risk to fracture their bones due to their lower bone mass.  Furthermore, falls can often lead to head injuries, which can be especially dangerous for seniors.  Luckily, researches have found that exercise and physical therapy can help improve balance and strength for those with arthritis.  So if you or you know someone living with arthritis, consult the doctor about how to safely go about exercising to improve both your health and your balance to avoid future fall-related injuries.

It is not difficult to find the perfect caregiver at A-1 Home Care in Malibu,  because we carefully screen, select, and place each and every caregiver so they are compatible to the care recipient and the family.  Most importantly, we only seek caregivers who are dedicated, compassionate, and experienced in this field.  They are all experts in Arthritis Care, Diabetic Care, Brian Injury Care, Parkinson Care, Kidney Disease Care, Incontinence Care, Multiple Sclerosis Care, and home care scenarios. We serve Malibu, Redondo Beach, Marina Del Rey, Culver City, Santa MonicaHollywood and other cities around Los Angeles and Orange County.

Find the right service for your loved one today, please call 310-657-8780, or visit www.malibuinhomecare.com for more info.  Be sure to find and like us on Facebook

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